

Token swaps are conducted by calling the router by calling for a specific input or output of a pair of tokens, or with native currency AVAX | BNB | ETH.

Individual Swap

Swaps in Liquidity Book may cross one or mre bins inside a token pair contract called LBPair. Starting from the active bin, it will consume the liquidity of the bin until reaching the desired amount or emptying the bin. When a bin is empty, liquidity will be taken in the next closest bin at the exchange rate defined by the bin. This bin then becomes the active bin of the pair.

Liquidity Book Router

Swaps on Liquidity Book can be executed through a router contract called LBRouter. This contract will abstract some of the complexity of the swap and allow chained swaps accross several pairs.

On Liquidity Book, it is possible for several LBPair with the same tokens to be created, differentiated only by the binStep parameter.

When asking the router to do a swap, every swap step will be described using (tokenIn, tokenOut, binStep).

The LBRouter contract is also compatible with V1 pairs. To swap on a V1 pair, binStep must be set to zero.

Last updated