Post-allocation funding



Project A raises $100,000 for their IDO round, with 70% allocation prioritized for HyperLaunch members, and 30% to be shared among whitelisted participants & HyperLaunch members.

After initial capital commitment round, HyperLaunch receives a total of $180,000 from both HyperLaunch members ($138,000) & Whitelisted participants ($42,000).

In the following illustrative diagrams, each square block represents $1,000 committed to the IDO pool.

Note: The public pool will share 30% remaining allocation based on committed capital ratio. In this case, $110,000 capital shares a $30,000 allocation. In particular, 27.27% ($30,000 divided for $110,000) of the committed capital will be filled, while 72.72% will be refunded to all participants in the public pool.

The example above shows how post-allocation works, however, there will be variations in reality, such as the pool is overfunded by 10 times, or just 10% overfunded. Regardless of the final number, the mechanism still remains the same.

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